A Christmas Carol

There was not a Bah Humbug in sight after the Keeper’s Daughters performance of a Christmas Carol finished last night. Set in the vintage backdrop of Biddy’s Tea Room down lower goat lane, nestled in amongst Norwich’s cobbled lanes it was the perfect setting for such a warming Christmas production. I took the boy on a ‘date night’ at just 6 years old and having not heard the story previously I wondered if it might be a too complicated or dare I say it ‘boring’ but it was quite the opposite. At about an hour in length and filled up on the most delicious mice pies (well we were in one of the best tea shops in Norfolk – in my option) and mulled juice we ventured upstairs and took our seats. Now the venue is obviously small and quirky but that adds to the charm and from the moment it starts your made to feel welcome and are definitely part of the action. Mark Finbow is an exceptional actor and likeable chap your kids will love his sense of fun and quick wit. Helen Vine is a wizard at accents and characterisation, playing multiple roles with ease. The staging is simple but clever and utilises the surroundings in the tea shop, basic props are used creatively and imaginatively! I’ve never cared so much about the fate of one rather tired looking teddy.

The boy was a little apprehensive about the first ghostly appearance which was a body takeover but after a quick cuddle he was reassured and loved the other ghostly apparitions especially the one who appeared to have a sonic screwdriver 😉 Throughout the show there’s lots of references to popular culture and jokes that straddle all age groups, I’m still trying to explain to him why people laughed so heartily when Scrooge and Marley’s initials were written down!😮

The boys favourite bit was when he was asked to do his Scrooge impression, unlike his mother he’s not the shy or retiring type so jumped at the chance much to the audiences delight and mine especially after my earlier skepticism. Throughout the performance there was opportunity to have a wiggle (the seats are quite hard) and join in and that un-stuffiness is so important when your performing to children as well as adults. I love the theatre as a teacher of performing arts you wouldn’t expect me not to, but even I have been put off by some shows because of they just seem so darn hoity-toity! The Christmas Carol is a must see family show but would equally work as a great date night with a trip to Gelatos Ice-Cream Parlour afterwards which is just a short walk away… just saying 😉😄

The performance is on from the 10th of December up until Christmas and fellow North Norfolk-ans will be pleased to here there are shows in the Aylsham Biddy’s too. Kids tickets are £7.50, adults are £10 and include a mince pie and mulled juice. Seating is limited so be quick and make sure to book!

Christmas carol gets a well deserved 🍪🍪🍪🍪 4 Cookie rating for such a unique Christmas treat for the whole family.

Find out more at www.biddystearoom.com