Super Exhibition at the O2

Andy loves superhero films and watches all the Netflix spin-offs, so when we visited the O2 his little face lit up when he saw that there was a DC exhibition on. He tried to convince me that it was the boy who wanted to go in 😏 but who was I to deny my biggest kid a treat – and with Wilba asleep we thought we would risk it.

I was a little nervous about taking the boy in (5) especially after an over zealous security lady had already gruffly complained about me leaving the buggy unattended (I was only taking a quick pic) but I needn’t of worried as he loved it – mostly because on the way around you’re given an audio handset which tells you all about the exhibit, great if you still can’t read 😉. Andy loved seeing how the comics were made and how special effects were done back in the day – but mostly really enjoyed showing off his ‘super’ knowledge to me and the boy as we walked round. I thought the costumes were awesome and would happily hang most of the artwork on display at home – it’s just amazing.

The exhibition is split into characters and displayed in chronological order, starting off with Superman, then Batman, Wonder Woman, all the baddies and finally finishing up to date with the Justice League and recent cross-overs. This makes it really accessible for all ages even if you haven’t seen the older films. It’s interesting to see where it all started and how it’s developed. We remembered the outrage of the Batman suit with nipples suit and Andy proudly stood for a pic next to the original. The little dolls they used for the flying special effects in the first superman films were comical but I can remember as a kid being completely blown away when superman saved Lois from the falls. Michelle Pfeiffer’s Cat Woman suit is tiny and I fancied my chances more with Wonder Woman’s lycra number. This exhibition will obviously attract the die-hard fans and I enjoyed watching one such fan question the poor shop worker on which cast members were still alive and how the ‘Robins’ would be reunited in superhero heaven (no joke) and to be fair the chap really held his own and had great knowledge. I suppose it’s not like B&Q when you ask for a washer and come out with a face cloth. At the end of the exhibition there’s a chance to get some merchandise which to be fair isn’t overpriced and if you spend £10 you get a free t-shirt (while stocks last) which I thought was really good. All in all well worth a trip even if you’d not a huge comic fan or film-buff. DC Exhibition: Dawn of Super Heroes is on at the O2 (London) until 9th of September before it continues its world tour – so visit while you can. I would rate it 3 cookies but Andy is forcing me to go up to 4 🙂

To book tickets or find out more about the exhibition visit: