There’s Vikings at the castle !
We got in our long boats and headed up to Norwich Castle keep the other day to see what was going on in the heart of the city over the summer.
Where to Go?
When I talk about places we got to in Norfolk to visit I’m often met with “ahhhh I always forget about the Castle” but there’s no better place to go on a rainy day with the kids for stimulating fun and they are incredibly family friendly.

Summer Holiday Juggle

The Exhibition
The exhibition itself focuses on the 9th to 11th centuries, to illustrate how the Vikings re-shaped Britain’s political, economic, religious, social and artistic life and how Viking culture was transformed by 200 years of British contact. The Boy was more interested in the Famous York helmet though and creating his own, he was so proud of efforts when he later got to compare with the real one and remarked on its likeness to his very own creation.
Great for all ages
Wilba can’t sit still for long to colour and create but put a “real” Viking story teller in front of her with tales of Loki and Thor with an interactive script and actions to boot and she’s well away. My Marvel obsession came in handy I felt very Knowledgeable.
Lots to do
After all that we then had some free time to explore the exhibits before embarking on the Viking trail which thoughtfully highlighted key information, which older children will be able to absorb. The Boy took time to write his name in Viking rubric and begged to take the sheet home to try to work out all our names! Who says learning only happens in the classroom.
Food saves lives
We then headed for a bite to eat as mine were getting hangry, ok, so I was too. Although lunch was provided for us, I can highly recommend the quiche at the Castle and Gressenhall it’s the best I’ve eaten and that’s saying something 😉
Need to Know
The Viking exhibit is well worth checking out over the hols and don’t forget to get your hands on the Norfolk Museum Pass at under £100 for 2 adults and as many children as you have. I cant think of another family pass which is such great value. The pass will give you entry for all 10 museums and there are some corkers. Some like Time and Tide are right beside the sea for when the inevitable English weather hits. The Viking Exhibition is on until the 8th of September so take a trip this Summer. You’d be an ‘Idun’ not too ! ( bad Viking joke 😂)
Disclaimer: We were guests of the Castle but as always my words are my own.