Time and Tide Museum – Drawn to the Coast

Time and Tide Museum (Great Yarmouth)
I am a massive lover of the good old Norfolk Coastline so when I was kindly asked to visit the Drawn to the Coast Exhibition at the Time and Tide museum in Great Yarmouth I jumped at the chance. I regularly take the kids down Cromer, Mundesley and Sheringham to go to the beach but rarely to Great Yarmouth as we usually reserve that trip for a punt on the 2ps or snail ride at Joy-land  (see Days out in Norfolk article) but after visiting the exhibition I will look at Great Yarmouth in a whole new light.
Drawn to the Coast
Drawn to the coast charts the depiction of Great Yarmouth over the last two hundred years and notably the work of JMW Turner and John Constable. The Artworks are beautiful.  I nearly ended up running off with one but I think the security guard may have had something to say about that especially considering the Turner sketchbook is on loan for the first time since its creation.  It showcases a unique perspective of the town and other recognizable spots in East Anglia. The exhibition has been put together by the local community and volunteers and is supported by a programme of events talks and group study workshops for all ages. We can vouch for this as we went with ages from 1 up to 38 and we all had a great time in the main museum as well as the exhibition.
Wilba loved all the drawing areas, rubbings and stenciling and they even had a little sea themed book area. T loved the ‘Row’ a realistic glimpse back in time. The street was filled with the most realistic wax works, artifacts and memorabilia from the era. The boy has only just started reading so the hand held audio devices that you can rent for just £1 really helped him to understand the story and facts without the constant “what does that say” debacle. My friend Emma was really impressed by all the listening stations where you could hear accounts from locals in the different time periods and the dialects were so much fun to listen to, at one point I could swear I was listening to my grandad the Norfolk twang was so thick!
I loved learning about the various sea life, I was amazed by the size of the whale vertebra and was really interested in the journey of the herrings especially as the museum itself is based in a former herring factory, I am partial to a bit of fish when my dad brings it straight back from a beach fishing trip 🐳👍 so I know first hand the work that goes in to prepare it .
lend us a lug Bor
We really enjoyed the museum it looks quite unassuming from the road but it’s really quite big and had so much to offer old and young alike,  the staff were helpful, kind and informative and it didn’t have that stuffy feel which I’ve experienced at other museums it was really friendly. There is also a cafe next door called the Silver Darlings where you can get 10% off if you have visited the museum which we can highly recommend as the food is amazing and well priced,
It was very busy when we went so the staff seemed a little distracted but I would return for the Brie and bacon baguette alone.
Next time your in Great Yarmouth, stray just a little bit further away from the slot machines and bright lights of the seafront to enjoy the history of the town you won’t be disappointed. The Drawn to the Coast exhibition is on until the 9th of September. Visit museums.norfolk.gov.uk for more information you can also find them on instagram @timetidemuseum and on facebook at Time and Tide Museum of Great Yarmouth Life.
It’s 🍪🍪🍪🍪 4 cookies from me 😘