Cromer without the crabs

YES Cromer! Your New Year’s Day fireworks were awesome. The stony faced crowd around us did not do you justice… but don’t worry we oohed and aahed our arses off and the screams of my one year old (she wasn’t as impressed) and “wow lights” said repeatedly by my 5 year old through the whole 30 minute masterpiece could be heard for miles – much to the dismay of the somber folk around us. I wasn’t even put off by the crowds, especially considering the nice lady in #CraftBurgerCromer sorted the baby’s milk for us , thanks Nicole.

It was that good that after finding a safe place to park miles away from the seafront with two small young children. I was only mildly angered when some plonker parked so close to my rear end and on double yellows that for a moment I thought I owned some kind of cut and shut limo! But don’t worry Cromer, I left the owner a lovely note under there windscreen full of New Year cheer after taking over ten minutes to wiggle my motor out without damaging anything. The fireworks were that stupendous that even the gridlocked traffic coming home hasn’t dampened my mood nor the fact that my 5 year old is still buzzing and refusing bed after I had to bribe him with sugar filled goodies in the aforementioned standstill

No, in-fact Cromer we all had a bloody good time and it was one of the most impressive shows I’ve seen and a great way to start the new year. Cromer once again I salute you!