Towering Treetop Tangles at BeWILDerwood

BeWILDerwood is definitely up there as one of my favourite places to go in Norfolk, and having visited so many times before I was thrilled to attend the opening of the new Towering Treetop Tangles with Andy and the kids.

BeWILDerwood has a great mix of outdoor adventure and it’s really good to see they’re always looking for interesting and exciting new additions to keep park fun and fresh for it’s growing audience. I was even more excited to meet the man himself, Tom Blofeld. He was as fabulous you could imagine, dressed in a purple suit with a great big beaming smile.

You Can Judge A Book By It’s Cover

Tom needed no introduction and I swooped in for a chat. He was so humble and enthusiastic about the new area, we talked about how he first got into writing and how much he loves the positive effect his books have on both children and adults alike. The success of the park and all that it brings has left Tom truly overwhelmed. There’s new stories in the pipeline and he clearly loves what he does with a passion. I even think he’d happily give all his books away for free (if he could).

How wonderful to imagine such a place and then be able to create and share it in real life. The tree-top adventure park is a natural playground and a sustainable one at that. The team seem genuinely happy to work there and why wouldn’t you when you get to be part of Tom Blofeld’s magical creation everyday.

The attention to detail is amazing even down to the flavour-names of ice cream served and email communication with the Twiggle Team! The opening ceremony was just as well thought out, greeted by the The Thornyclod and treated to a beautiful woodland breakfast while Tom circulated for chats and photos.

A Grand Opening

The children had their face painted (some adults too 😉) and then we were invited to don colourful rainbow hats and grab a musical instrument before forming a procession to the new area. Once there Ronaldo’s Ice Creams were available for greedy-grubs like me who managed to make room, it was only 10am after all! With dried-flower confetti at the ready, we were ready for the grand opening and treated to a special poem from Tom.

It was magical and I was so glad to be part of it. BeWILDerwood is something very special, something very unique and something very wholesome. It’s a place where imagination can run wild, your dreams come true (especially Tom’s) and the big-kid inside you is very much encouraged to come out.

More, More, More

BeWILDerwood Towering Treetop Tangles

BeWILDerwood Towering Treetop Tangles

The new Towering Treetop Tangles area looks as if giant flowers have grown up towards the sky and has been designed specifically for the slightly more adventurous types, developing their wayfinding skills rather than just being led. But don’t let that put you off, Wilba (2 going on 20) made light work of most obstacles with a little helping hand. I also spotted another new ‘game area’ that will be open over the May half term. Like I said, they just keep adding to the fun!

See what’s on, book tickets and plan your day by visiting their website.

If you’re in Norfolk or planning a visit this really is a must-go destination and gets an illustrious 5 cookie rating from me 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪. We had yet another great day but if you need more convincing why not read what Ruth, Laura, Sarah and Sonia thought about it all too. 😘


Photography by: Andrew Kahumbu, @andykahumbu